Thursday, June 2, 2011


Well, here I am in Hamilton, and alas, I have no show to play.  There was a mix-up with the booking and it looks like I am out of luck.  Fortunately, it's a beautiful day and I managed to get some stuff done in this city even without a show.

Last night's show in Waterloo was good, and a bit strange.  I was paired up with two acoustic guitar-playing ladies to do a songwriter's circle.  Things were going fine until the ladies decided to do a raucous version of "Down By the Riverside."  I was promptly booted off the piano bench so one lady could lay down some impromptu religious revival-style playing.  It was confusing, but done in good spirit, I think.  Then HOTCHA! played and they were super entertaining; they make old timey music at fast tempos.

I lucked out on billeting once again.  This time I stayed with Penny, Gary, and their funny dog, Buddha.  Here he is demonstrating his new trick called "Two Paws."

As you can see, he is a very good boy.  Here is Penny sitting with him.  She even gave me breakfast!

I took the GO bus to Hamilton via Mississauga (not the most direct route, but the only one that worked with my timing).  I did a little in-studio performance at CFMU and had a great time chatting with James, the Program Director there.  It's funny how campus radio stations are remarkably consistent no matter where you are in Canada.  

I experienced probably the lowest point of the tour so far when I had to navigate the McMaster University campus all alone with my heavy piano.  I have a hundred broken blood vessels in my shoulders from lifting that thing.  I laid down on the grass and really thought I wasn't going to make it.      This picture is entitled "Why God, Why?"

After I recovered I made my way to the main road and was pleased to find a Lebanese restaurant where I promptly ordered an enormous veggie combo platter.  Tasty food will fix almost anything.

I shot a segment for the amazing Southern Souls website with Mitch Fillion.  He does great work and always finds interesting ways to shoot bands.  

Now I'm sitting upstairs in the bar where I was supposed to play tonight, trying to figure out what to do with my evening in Hamilton.

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